Chimney Sheep

Chimney Sheep – a low cost way to stop Chimney Draughts

Like many Chippenham residents our house on Langley Road was built in the 1930s and featured a fireplace in the front room. We hadn’t ever lit a real fire in the fire place, though as we could often hear the pigeons on top of the chimney from the living room, it seemed reasonably safe to […]

Fifty Solar installs Completed

Fifty Solar Installations Completed by our Community Solar PV Scheme!

We’re delighted to have passed the milestone of 50 completed Solar installations from our Community Solar PV buying scheme! The scheme was launched by Zero Chippenham in 2019 with two key aims… To reduce the cost of solar installations using the group buying power of a community To independently vet and check installers to identify […]

Solar Installation Wood Lane Chippenham

Solar PV Installation Wood Lane Chippenham

The next step on Adrian’s Wood Lane Net Zero journey was to install solar panels on his house roof. Typically a fabric first approach would be the logical next step through installation of loft insulation, draught exclusion etc. But there’s nothing to stop you installing solar panels at any point in your net zero journey. […]

Financial help for home insulation and heating

Where to find financial help with heating and insulation in Chippenham?

Finding help and funding for energy efficiency can often be bewildering. There is a lot of financial help available for home insulation, heating, and energy efficiency home improvements, much of it free or subsidised. But knowing what is genuine and fear of being victim of a potential scam prevents many of us from accessing the […]

Centre for Sustainable Energy

101 Energy Saving Tips – Centre for Sustainable Energy

101 Energy Saving Tips The following hints and tips were kindly presented by Jo Hillier from the Centre for Sustainable Energy and Mark Franklin of Warm and Safe Wiltshire at a recent workshop in Devizes. Please use and share them. Thank you! The Centre for Sustainable Energy is the parent charity of Warm and Safe […]

House Energy Audit

Do a House Energy Audit

The first stage of Adrian’s Wood Lane House retrofit project involved undertaking a house energy audit. Perhaps unusually Adrian undertook this audit from a perspective of carbon emissions. For many of us the motivation will be to reduce energy bills and improve the comfort of our home. Fortunately reducing carbon emissions usually goes hand in […]

CO2 Levels

Why Bother?

There are two main reasons for improving the energy efficiency of your home. Firstly insulating your home and reducing energy usage will make your home more comfortable to live in, and will also reduce your energy bills. The second reason is that we need to transition our lives rapidly away from fossil fuel usage in […]

Zero Chippenham Solar Scheme Case Study

Zero Chippenham member Kerry tells us about her experience of a solar installation through the Zero Chippenham Community Solar scheme in Summer 2023… Kerry says… Why solar panels, why Zero Chippenham’s scheme? We were interested in getting solar panels through the Zero Chippenham scheme as we had heard good things from others that had been […]

Sheldon Road Methodist Circa solar chippenham

Sheldon Road Methodist Church Solar Installation Case study

A case study of the Zero Chippenham Community Solar scheme solar installation on Sheldon Road Methodist Church, Chippenham. Jan tells us about their experience… Our church (Sheldon Rd Methodist Church, Chippenham) was investigating the idea of adding solar panels to our church roof at the beginning of 2018 and some of us attended a public meeting […]