Category Archives: Solar Scheme Case Studies

Zero Chippenham Community Solar PV case studies

Alliance Parmaceuticals Solar Panels

Can I install solar on a listed building in Chippenham Conservation Area?

So the question is – Can I install Solar Panels on a listed building in the Chippenham conservation area? Updated – April 2024 The answer is, most likely yes, with a few caveats, but you will need to apply for planning permission. In this post I will look at three recent successful planning applications for […]

Protection against fire of battery energy storage systems for use in dwellings

New British Standard for Protection against fire of Battery energy Storage systems for use in dwellings

A new British Standard for the fire safety of home battery storage installations, which came into force on the 31st March 2024, will have significant impact on how and where new home batteries are installed. The new standard PAS 63100:2024 is available as free download from the British Standards Institute. Home Batteries Home Electrical Energy […]

MyEnergi Zappi Charger

Can I charge my car with solar power?

So you have solar panels on your roof and you’re thinking of buying an electric vehicle (ev), can you charge your ev from solar? Well the short answer is yes, but with a few caveats. When you buy your first Electric Vehicle (EV) or Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV), it will probably come with […]

Alpha Smile B3 Plus 5kWh AC Battery

Installing and living with an AC Battery

With the government announcing that VAT will be zero rated from February on retrofitted household electrical battery storage solutions, it seems an appropriate time to write up my own experience of retrofitting and living with an AC battery in our 1930s Chippenham house. Following an industry wide consultation in 2023 the UK government announced the […]

Fifty Solar installs Completed

Fifty Solar Installations Completed by our Community Solar PV Scheme!

We’re delighted to have passed the milestone of 50 completed Solar installations from our Community Solar PV buying scheme! The scheme was launched by Zero Chippenham in 2019 with two key aims… To reduce the cost of solar installations using the group buying power of a community To independently vet and check installers to identify […]

Solar Installation Wood Lane Chippenham

Solar PV Installation Wood Lane Chippenham

The next step on Adrian’s Wood Lane Net Zero journey was to install solar panels on his house roof. Typically a fabric first approach would be the logical next step through installation of loft insulation, draught exclusion etc. But there’s nothing to stop you installing solar panels at any point in your net zero journey. […]

Zero Chippenham Solar Scheme Case Study

Zero Chippenham member Kerry tells us about her experience of a solar installation through the Zero Chippenham Community Solar scheme in Summer 2023… Kerry says… Why solar panels, why Zero Chippenham’s scheme? We were interested in getting solar panels through the Zero Chippenham scheme as we had heard good things from others that had been […]

Sheldon Road Methodist Circa solar chippenham

Sheldon Road Methodist Church Solar Installation Case study

A case study of the Zero Chippenham Community Solar scheme solar installation on Sheldon Road Methodist Church, Chippenham. Jan tells us about their experience… Our church (Sheldon Rd Methodist Church, Chippenham) was investigating the idea of adding solar panels to our church roof at the beginning of 2018 and some of us attended a public meeting […]

Solar Case study

Zero Chippenham Solar Installation Case Study

A Solar Installation case study from one of our applicants in their own words…   We have a three-bedroom detached house and started looking for solar installers in July 2021. Through Zero Chippenham we obtained quotes from 1World Solar and Solarsense. Both were similar figures and showed us prices with and without batteries. We questioned […]

Solar powered Industrial Unit Corsham

Solar Powered Industrial Unit Case Study

Early in 2021 Zero Chippenham were approached by Corsham based Lick the Spoon chocolates with a request to quote for a rooftop solar installation on their Corsham industrial unit. The company operation was suited to solar due to its daytime working hours and need for increased cooling during the summer months. The company was all […]